Bob the Angry Flower T-shirts

UPDATE - April 20
More shirts, bottom of the page...

UPDATE - April 13
Man, I gotta figure out some better way of organizing this page... anyway, more shirts, down at the bottom. And a couple of note to T-shirt makers: firest, if possible, I'd prefer that you not use the "angryflower#" store names. For the people who've done it so far, those stores are fine, but in the future I'd like to be able to plunk things down in that filename without having to worry about blonking into somebody else's store.

Second, I just want to remind prospective T-shirt makers that the best place to get an image isn't from the icky Web, but from a clean pristine scan of a page from a lovingly prepared book. Don't have one? Then angrily demand that your local comic store get one in, from either Cold Cut Distributors or Last Gasp Distributors! Yeesh!

UPDATE -- April 6, 2001

It looks like some folks are taking me up on the offer I describe below. The New Gallery is at the BOTTOM of the page, cats...

Update - March 29, 2001 = My New T-shirt Policy

As regular readers may have detected, I'm rather ambivalent about the whole T-shirt thing. I mean, I'm delighted that y'all like the cartoon enough to want them, but I myself am not the kind of person who really gets into owning the T-shirt of something I like. So as you've all noticed, I'm pretty lazy about getting new T-shirt designs up and running.

Nonetheless, every few days or oftener I get an e-mail from somebody who wants this or that particular image. Usually, it's a pretty good idea that would make for a good T-shirt. As I considered one of these ideas, I just thought, well heck, if you want a Bob T-shirt, why just make one yourself?

So I hereby open the Bob T-Shirt Licence. That means anybody who wants to take a Bob image and make a T-shirt of it (on only) can go right ahead. This will allow you to make your own T-shirt and buy it from yourself at cheaper than it would cost to buy it from me. However, I have one condition. You must upload your image to me, so I can display it here and link to it. Come to think of it, that's hardly an onerus condition at all-- it means that if you design a good Bob T-shirt, people will see it here and perhaps other Bob fans will buy it from you! It actually works in your favor!

But I warn you... create some bootleg Bob merchandise and sell it without telling me and you will be HARSHLY PROSECUTED!!!!!

What do I get out of this? Hopefully, I shouldn't have to worry about T-shirts that much any more, though I can keep making my own designs and selling them as well. I think at there's a referral program, so if you wanted, you could refer to my store (angryflower) to toss me a few pennies for use of the design, if you like.

Feel free to scan pictures out of the books. Don't have them? What's wrong with you?

I think this is a reasonable compromise between my laziness and my forgoing the T-shirt revenue. Oh, and if you're still reading this page... there are T-SHIRTS FOR SALE BELOW, MAN!!!!!

Update - March 2, 2001

After a long, long period of completely indefensible neglect, I sat down and in less than two hours got two more T-shirt designs up and ready to go. Man, I knew this was easy, but lordy. It's all due to those incredible people at, who so far seem to be doing a great job.

The first new one is based, sort of, on the recommendation of which-are-the-Bob-two-parter-strips? contest winner Dan Gibbins.

To order it, you just have to hit this crazy link and bam! you'll be staring at a page with a bunch of products for sale. The Internet, I swear, it's magic!

Next, another image, for all you National Missile Defense advocates out there.

Just click the image or here for an opportunity to fork out money to own stuff.

And last, and least, we have the old original design here. Click on it or here to get.

Update - October 27, 2000

Okay, cats, I've finally stumbled, blearily, into the 21st Century and taken advantage of one of the glorious possibilities that this modern "Internet" makes possible. I'm talking, of course, about, which is an outfit that chages for, prints, and ships shirts, and all you have to do is supply the image. So, as of today, I've decided to try it. I've got this image lying around from the last round of shirts, so for now, that's what you can get by clicking here. Since it looks pretty easy to make adjustments and use different images, I may expand all this filthy merchandising if that's what people want. Is it what you want? Let me know.

Second-Party T-Shirts!!!! - Updated April 6, 2001
Here they are, folks. T-shirts designed and presented by people just like you. At this point, I don't have a contest or anything in mind, so I'll just present the images without comment. For more info on the creators of these shirts and for buying, just click on the image.


Okay, so it's a little rough-n'-ready so far. It's new, it'll grow. Send in those shirt designs...

April 13, and that's in 2001, baby!
I asked, they sent. More shirts and stuff to buy. Each image is a store. And often, people have multiple images at one store, so I urge you to check each one out to see what other stuff they might have.

April 20, 2001
More crazy shirt action, this time a couple of versions of the apostrophe strip.
Who says George Bush's America can't produce T-shirts?

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