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Buy Bob's Quick Guide to the Apostrophe, You Idiots. It's a poster! SADLY NO LONGER generously hosted by Brunching


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And why not check out Ted Rall?

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Fri, Oct 18, 2024
Hey, everybody, who likes VIDEO GAMES? Anyone? Does anyone on Earth like any video game? Has anyone ever heard of
Earth Defense Force X

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Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Less Big
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Oct 11, 2024
Tools, amiright? They're the darndest things. Useful... but so annoying! Let's examine:
Dear Procreate...

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Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Different Dooms Deluxez
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regularzzz!
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Oct 4, 2024
As per the following:

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Sep 27, 2024
I don't know how many of you readers out there indulge in the mobile games. And yet, depsite that lack of knowledge regarding potential engagement with this week's cartoon subject, I felt compelled to craft a toon about
War Regions - Tactical Game

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Sep 20, 2024
Attention, Citizens!
Not just citizens, but residents too! Indeed, all folks within the borders of the United States of A has some stake or another in the

Largest Deportation Operation in American History

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Well Hello There, Books!
Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Sep 13, 2024
A Sequel!
Not really the same as a series, since it's been some little while since we had Debateable. This one was drawn before the event rather than after (though the event itself is now in the past), so it's more predictive than responsive. Let us see if you, the person reading these words, enjoy it. Click the link!

Debatable 2

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Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Sep 6, 2024
This week's strip is, to my mind, a pretty simple toon. And yet, bizarrely, when I posted it to the social medias, folks responded to it with far greater vigor than typical, over 300 likes on Facebook where a typical cartoon would be around 30 or so. WHY? Perhaps, once you see it, you will understand. In any case, here it is:

What Shall Be Done About the Unhoused?

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Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

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Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Aug 30, 2024
Back to Cheap Unfair Gags
Now we've cleared the decks of Bot nonsense, it's time to sully a good man's name. Whom shall it be? I know!

JD Vance

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Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

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Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Aug 23, 2024
Rise of the Rest of the Robots
Gotta say, I'm grateful July's tumble of current events cooled off enough to allow me space to indulge in what's become a full TRILOGY of silly gag robots! Revel, if you will, in this final installment, courageously titled:

Alphabetical Bot Parade!

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Aug 16, 2024
Battle of the Bots
Oh boy! It's a battle of the bots, a bot-battle like those foretold in legends of old! What propulsive truths shall we discover in this terrible conflict unfolding before our very eyes in:

HopeBot vs NopeBot

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

These are Books
Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms regular
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Aug 9, 2024
Smells like some hope, maybe? Let's consult


Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms Non-Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Aug 2, 2024
And Furthermore...
All back from San Diego Comic-Con, and that means NEW CARTOON! Check it out:

Somewhat Dissatisfied

As far as SDDCs go, this certainly was one. Nothing too crazy went down, I wasn't an invited guest, and I didn't win another Inkpot award. I did start thinking a bit about the next book, to the extent of scribbling some sketches for a possible title and cover, so... FUN!

Before I Forget...
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Different Dooms Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms Non-Deluxe
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Mon, July 22, 2024
Yes Update This Week
Last update I said there wouldn't be an update this week on account of my being at San Diego Comic-Con. But then I changed my mind and figured I might as well do a frontloaded update to clear the decks a bit.

What do I mean by "clear the decks"? Well, this week's strip, posted early before I head to the Con, is

Bi Bi Biden

But there was another cartoon I did 78% of before I dumped it and did last week's cartoon instead. Then I finished that one thinking I could use it this week. But then friggin' Biden bounced! Good grief! So I'm sneaking that other cartoon in here just to squeeze it into the archive while I have the chance. So, please enjoy what could have been last week's cartoon but was not:

Don't Shoot People

Onward and forward, futurenauts!

Fri, July 17, 2024
What the...?
Good grief, the history just keeps coming, don't it, dear readers? Thus, a quick cartoon with the ripped-from-the-headlines title of

Trump Shot

No update next week
Just a quick note to let folks know that there will not be an update next week, because I'll be at San Diego Comic-Con. As per usual, (I assume, since I haven't actually checked), I'll be at
Aisle 1400
Small Press Area K16

So if you happen to be attending, swing on by and say "Howdy!"

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Books are books
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular Dooms
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, July 12, 2024
Supremely bad
Not gonna do much extra editorializing on the subject of this week's strip, which is in a little different style than usual, and is called

In Hindsight

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Boo! Ks!
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, July 5, 2024
Happy Birthday, America...?
This week's strip is a little behind the times, what with the nauseating Supreme Court ruling earlier this week, but I had to do something to exorcize all the bad feeling I had after last week's blast of bad news. Thus,


Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jun 28, 2024
Man, that debate was brutal. I have no doubt in my mind about which of the two is the superior person and president, but you wouldn't be able to tell it from that grim performance. I find it impossible to believe anybody still on the fence (if they truly exist) could come away from that dispiriting debacle with any confidence in the current president. Yuck. Not good.

Anyway, here's this week's Bob the Angry Flower strip:

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Books are books
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jun 21, 2024
In A Violent Nature
Curious movie, In A Violent Nature. Saw it this afternoon, but I'm not going to get into a formal movie review for it. I admire its peculiar approach, essentially just following a Friday-the-13th-style Jasonesque undead killer around as he murders people. I'm pretty sure I've seen clips of a modern Friday the 13th online multiplayer game, in which most players run around a nighttime forest trying not to get caught by the one player who gets to be Jason stomping around slaughtering everybody else. I can well imagine this game serving as inspiration for this movie. It's well done, but by the end, I wasn't sure if I felt anything. The kills are gory and grim, and while part of me appreciates how the film sort of drains them of impact by spending several minutes with the killer puttering around before, during and after each murder, part of me wonders if it adds up to anything. It's a thinker!

In entirely unrelated news, behold, a Bob the Angry Flower cartoon! A good one, even!

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jun 14, 2024
An Up-late
By which I mean a late update. Ironically, it is because I was not up especially late last night that this update is as late as it is. Or more simply, I forgot to do the update before going to bed.

Here's a cartoon!
What Would Conan Do?

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jun 7, 2024
Now What
Well, last week was a bit of a bombshell with the first-ever criminal conviction of a former US president. A week later, what's come of it? Not so much, far as I can tell. The sentencing hearing's set for July, so we won't know until then whether ol' Dumpy will face any incarceration. I don't know if there have been enough post-conviction polls to let us know if it made a difference or if criminality has already been "priced in" to everyone's understanding of the former president and thus result in the needle remaining more or less where it seems to have been for the last few months. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on whether kings are actually cool and okay, and it's expected to drop its ruling on that seeming no-brainer as late as absolutely possible in order to provide Trump operative immunity if not immunity in stated law. Of course with this current Supreme Court, they might actually be crazy enough to grant the immunity sought, and it's only taking them the extra time because they're still trying to figure out which bit of 17th century British common law allows them to declare it only applies to Trump and nobody else. Fun! FUN, I SAY!

Anyway, I chose not to draw a cartoon about the whole mess, so this cartoon is no take, hot or not:

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Deluxe Dooms
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular Dooms
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, May 31, 2024
Not super relevant to any particular Bob the Angry Flower cartoon, and I can't say I know where this takes us now, but dangit I'm gonna revel in a lil dose of justice rendered to ol' Dumpy, even if it doesn't stick or change anything big. I've been mainlining X this afternoon and holy cats, are a lot of white people suddenly of the opinion that the justice system is stacked and unfair. I suspect pretty much any black person in this country could have told them that already, but I suspect that's not what they mean. It seems to me we have 3-tiered justice in this country: 1) regular you-win-some-and-you-lose-some justice for white people, 2) regular you're-vastly-more-likely-to-lose-most-than-win-any for black people, and 3) justice leans over backwards and extends every possible courtesy and reasonable doubt to you if you happen to be Donald J. Trump. I suspect on the broad strokes #3 will still hold as we go forward, but I'll take the lap on this jury's decision.

In completely other news, an unrelated Bob cartoon: Algorithm

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics

Deluxe Dooms
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms


Fri, May 24, 2024
Welcome, reader! Welcome to! It's the official web site for Bob the Angry Flower! It is filled with Bob the Angry Flower cartoons, stuffed to the very brim and beyond! Further, it's one of the few places left on the Internet that is willing to go ALL IN on unearned exclamation points! Here are more!!!! AND EVEN MORE!!!!! ZABLAMMO!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, here's this week's strip: Hack

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page!!!!!!!!
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!!!!!!

Deluxe Dooms!
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms


Fri, May 17, 2024
Another week, another cartoon
That's the pace of things here at, so sit back, get yourself a snack and a drink and settle in for perhaps 30 seconds of reading enjoyment with


Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Deluxe Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, May 10, 2024
APES, Planets of
Not that this week's cartoon is about Planet of the Apes, neither the original book nor the original film franchise nor the Burton film remake NOR the revivied film franchise. It is in fact about none of these whatsoever, but rather about the Bible book, by which I mean book in the Bible, and more specfically the section of which known as

Numbers 5
So why is the update title "APES, Planet of"? No reason, really, other than there's a big ape-shaped setup outside the TCL (formerly Mann's) Chinese Theater commemorating the new Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes film. So you see, the earlier statement was a LIE... it did, in fact, relate to the revived film franshise. WOTTA TWIST!

*whisper whisper*

Whaddya mean, that's not how twists work? This is my web site, whisperer, and here all shall be as I decree, and I decree information earlier presented as truth but later revealed as lie to be a twist, and may the heavens fall if anyone disagrees! I have spoken!

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Books Are Real
Deluxe Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, May 3, 2024
Dang, y'all, I got so hung up goin' out driking yesterday, I plumb forgot to update the site last night. INEXCUSABLE! Well, I currently lack the ability to travel into the past to undo this error, but I can at least set about updating the site here, now, in the present, AT ONCE! Thus, we have this week's cartoon, a tad late, titled:

Objective vs Subjective

Other Junk!
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Books Baby Books!
Deluxe Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, April 26, 2024
Regular Ol' Update
I guess there's no point in specifying these updates as being "L.A." since they're all going to be that way for the forseeable future. And yet the mini-epic tale of how I got here isn't yet done until I post this delightful strip about:

Safebound Movers 2

Fri, April 19, 2024
Second L.A. Update
Conditions are greatly improved. To my entire shock the movers arrived on Sunday more or less on time with all my stuff. Sure, they'd clearly moved boxes from one truck to another in the rain, which left some boxes in a state of severe disrepair, but at least the job is done and I don't have to think about it. That doesn't mean I haven't already drawn two cartoons about it, of which this is the first:

Safebound Movers

Fri, April 12, 2024
First L.A. Update
Well, here I am in Los Angeles. My possessions are still elsewhere, and I don't know how long it will take them to reunite with me, but fingers crossed it will be less than a month. I'm a bit irked that the movers seem to feel like it's my job to find parking for their 53-ft cross-country 18-wheeler. Like, how does that usually work? How many residential areas have convenient parking for a vehicle that size? How the hell am I supposed to arrange that, exactly? I guess we're going to find out!

Anyway, here's this week's strip. Hooray!
Draw a Cartoon

Fri, April 5, 2024
Last Seattle Update
Yep, I'm moving away from Seattle and towards Los Angeles. Why? As embarassing as it is to state it out loud so baldly, I'm going to see if I can somehow break into the Business of Show. Seems like a near-impossible task, and this particular moment in time is less auspcious than most, what with studios and streamer cutting back and even established writers scrambling to get any work. Foolish indeed, but I wouldn't be Bob the Angry Flower creator Stephen Notley if I didn't bull ahead anyway in the misbegotten impression that I'm special and the rules don't apply to me.

Or, to put it another way, wish me luck!

Lo, a cartoon
6 Things I Love About You

Fri, Mar 29, 2024
Already Out of Date (Kind Of)!
A Cool Half Bill

Fri, Mar 22, 2024
Cartoon Plus!
First is this week's cartoon:
No Justice, No Pizza

What's the Plus?
The plus is this, "A Reader's Notes on Proofreading," a blog post I wrote for script site Stage It's fun. Read. READ!!!
Fri, Mar 15, 2024
Even Quicker, Even Dirtier
I'm suddenly very busy for reasons I'll eventually get around to talking about, but for now we're gonna do a fast one:
Stephen Miller Is The Worst Person Alive

Fri, Mar 8, 2024
Quick, Dirty
After all the stuff & nonsense of last week's triumphant Best 5 Bobs update, this week we're gonna take it easy and just drop this week's strip like so:

Fri, Mar 1, 2024
Best 5 Bobs Poll RESULTS!
But first, real quick, this week's strip:
How to Be a Success

The Best 5 Bob Strips Are...
Best 5 Bobs

First, I want to thank everybody who sent in their picks. You're all great and I appreciate you taking the time to dig through the archives to pick out cartoons that have struck your fancy over the course of 30-odd years. The most surprising thing to me was how little overlap there was in people's choices. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 were fairly clear-cut, but 4, 5 and 6 were basically a three-way tie I was only able to distinguish by pulling in honorable mentions. Outside of that, though, among 34 total submitters there were many strips that got two mentions and quite a few slates with no overlap with any others. People have lots of different faves, it seems! I think it's fair to attribute this result not only to a large diversity of fine Bob the Angry Flower cartoons over the years but to a delightfully diverse group of readers with their own unique tastes as well, so take a bow, y'all!

Second, as we'll see, the winners are pretty old. Like, olllllllld old, like over 20 years old or more. I COULD take this as a depressing sign that my best work is long, long behind me, but instead I'll quote a reader who said, "I suspect many people's picks will reflect when they were first exposed to the glory of the angry flower." That makes sense to me; my favorite Buffy episodes come from Season 2 when I became a fan, even if there are quite a few excellent episodes from later seasons. And even if the most popular ones are older, lots of folks liked some recent strips as well, which is nice. And, of course, older strips have had longer to build reputations, so that makes a difference as well.

So, with no additional delay, the best 5 Bob the Angry Flower cartoons as selected by readers in 2024 are:

Runner-up #6:
Nine Legions
Gotta say, I was not expecting this one. As a part 2 of the
mini-story, it's a decent strip, and it relates to a book title, but it's not re-posted out in the wild nearly as often as some strips I expected to do a lot better (such as BtAF's Classic Literature sequels: Atlas Shrugged 2: One Hour Later). I do have a fondness for Stumpy's line "They've sent nine legions of battle-hardened dudes!", though, so well done, this cartoon! Take a bow!

Schrodinger's Fridge
Now we're talking! As far as I can tell, this strip is actually a darn succinct summary of some of deep weirdness about quantum physics, all in the form of a goofy cartoon! Plus it's got a sneaky dirty joke at the end! CLASSIC!

Otherwise known as the "Kill Everybody" strip, this one's an enduring classic, so classic that I use it every year in my Comic-Con handouts. It's pure Bob in terms of attitude, pacing, and even in how that 4th panel is more than a little sketchy-looking. Ha-ha, the cartoon flower is contemplating mass murder! It's funny because people's lives are at risk!

Fear Soup
This one was another surprise. Owners of the 2nd Bob book (Bob the Angry Flower: Coffee With Sinistar) where this strip appears know that this one was something of an early-career crisis for me, where I thought I'd just plain run out of ideas and could no longer draw Bob cartoons on deadline. The solution, of course, was to turn the crushing sense of terror and defeat into a cartoon. Bingo! Become cartoonists, folks, it's better and cheaper than therapy! Actually, scratch that. Don't become cartoonists; there are far too many already and I'm out-competed by all of them by about six orders of magnitude. Fear soup indeed!

The Time Looker-Forward Tube
It pleases me that so many readers share my belief that this is an all-time great cartoon. Sure, it's hardly the only comic strip in the world to use the formalism of cartooning to play around with time and space, but I think it's one of the finer examples, and it lays out with crystal clarity (to me) the core problem with time-travel stories that involve changing the past. If you can change it, then it was never your past. Past, present and future are equally real, and their co-temporal existence on a page of comics illustrates this simple fact without room for stupidity or ambiguity. Suck it, free will and past-time-changers!!

And now, to exactly nobody's surprise, we at last arrive at
Bob's Quick Guide to the Apostrophe, You Idiots
This strip is as close as Bob the Angry Flower has ever come to going viral and it came out in 1999, years before "virality" was much of a thing. Too complicated and wordy to ever hit big in our modern meme-y era, of course, but at the time it worked as intended and I'll always be proud of it. And I'll let you folks in on a secret: I knew it was good right then and there. I had the idea, drew it, printed out the text parts, glued 'em all down, lettered it, inked it, finished the strip, stared at it, read it over and over again, and thought to myself: This is a darn good cartoon. You NAILED this one, Stephen Notley! So if you're ever wondering (as I often am) if artists and creators ever know when they're making a classic when they're in the midst of doing it, I can confidently answer: Sometimes!

Mentions, honorable
As I said above, there was much less overlap in folks' picks than I thought there'd be, but the following fine cartoons picked up at least 2 separate mentions from different people:
The Inner Light (a fun one with robots!)
Yes (probably my own personal favorite, BTW)
Talibantastic! (evidently a fave of Buffy creator Joss Whedon, for what that's worth these days)
The Best Ever Chopsticks Ever (huh. I mean, I like this one and it makes me laugh, but I'm not sure why it rates this highly. go figure!)
Moy Royghts (see, a new-ish one! I'm not a COMPLETELY burnt-out hack!)
Billion-Dollar Bribes (another new one! I'm on a roll!)
U-Boat! Sing U-Boat!! (another personal fave)
The Evil Business Guy Made of Butter (he was really made of butter, honest!)

and I'll wrap up with one of my own deep favorites, which received no votes, but whose terminal line "Repeat Until Dead" has been my mantra ever since I drew it:
How Do You... Like... Come UP With This Stuff?

What about the Prizes?
As promised, all folks who wrote in with their picks were entered in a random draw, where three lucky winners would get a copy of
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE.
I've separately written the winners to inform them of their victories and request their mailing addresses, but I'd like to publicly congratulate Michael Cantor, Mike Taylor and S. Ben Helhuish over on Patreon for being lucky! Thanks for submitting and thanks for reading! And heck, that goes for all the rest who didn't win: THANKS!!!

AI Bobs?
After a pause of a couple of weeks (including a week where I thought I hadn't paused, but was wrong), we have another, this one from David Marshall via Bing Image maker on the theme of "An anthropomorphic sunflower debates an anthropomorphic tree stump on a stage with Canadian flag decorations".

David Marshall 01

Older visions may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

Other Junk!
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Books Baby Books!
Deluxe Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Feb 23, 2024
This Week's Bob!

Your Fault

More Bobs 5
One week left!
Still going! Best 5 Bobs

Until NOON, 12pm, Thu, Feb 29, I invite readers to dig through the Bob archive, pick and rank their favorite five (5) Bob the Angry Flower strips, and then send me the results at

As incentive, once the poll is concluded, I'll randomly pick 3 entrants (one of them guaranteed from the Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page) and send them the latest Bob book, Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms Deluxe, pictured here:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

AI Bobs
No new Bob AI illustrations this week, but older visions may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

Things to click
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Newish Books
Fancy fancy:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular regular:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Feb 16, 2024
Best 5 Bobs STILLLLL
Two weeks left! Best 5 Bobs

Until NOON, 12pm, Thu, Feb 29, I invite readers to dig through the Bob archive, pick and rank your favorite five (5) Bob the Angry Flower strips, and then send me the results at

As incentive, once the poll is concluded, I'll randomly pick 3 entrants (one of them guaranteed from the Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page) and send them copies of the latest Bob book, Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms Deluxe, pictured here:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Do it! Do it nowwwww!

Bob cartoon
And now we move on to the meat of the matter, this week's Bob strip:

I Love Yelling

AI Bobs
Another gnarlious "Bob," this one from Jasper Van Gelder:
Bob AI
Additional monstrosities may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

Bob Links
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Feb 9, 2024
Strip and Best 5 Bobs
Let's do Best 5 Bobs first...
Reader Poll: Best 5 Bobs!

Until NOON, 12pm, Thu, Feb 29, I invite readers to dig through the Bob archive, pick and rank their favorite five (5) Bob the Angry Flower strips, and then send me the results at

As incentive, once the poll is concluded, I'll randomly pick 3 entrants and send them copies of the latest Bob book, Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms Deluxe, otherwise known as this delightful product:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Or to put it another way: FREE STUFF!

New Strip
Speaking of free stuff, here's the newest Bob the Angry Flower cartoon, posted here for the edification and enjoyment of the entire world:

Facegram + Instabook

AI Bobs
Some chilling new images have come in, but I'm gonna take a break from updating the Bob the AIngry Flower page this week. I nonetheless invite all to click the preceding link to sample the appalling wares... also FREE TO LOOK AT!

Paid Bob Money Links
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Book Links for clicking
If you wanna just go ahead and buy it rather than waiting for the poll to close:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Different Dooms CLASSIC!:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Feb 2, 2024
POLE! Wait, no... POLL!
First, this week's strip:


Reader Poll: Best 5 Bobs!
Best 5 Bobs
As I was filling out my hopeless application for this year's Reuben Awards, it occured to me that I've been drawing these comics for over 30 years, and while I'll freely admit there are plenty of flops & stinkers in there --damn it!-- I know there exist extremely fine Bob cartoons as well. But which are FINEST? The very berry BEST? That, Dear Readers, is where YOU come in!

For the next 29 days until NOON, 12p PST, Thursday Feb 29, I'll be accepting submissions from readers in this most crucial poll. All you have to do is identify by name, pick and rank your five
all-time fave Bob strips and send them to me at

(I belabor the "five" business because a few folks have just been sending in their top one rather than top five)

I'll announce the results on the March 1 update. It is easy, and fun!

Huh? What's this about "winning" something? As added incentive, once I've gone through the submissions, collated them and announced the results, I will randomly pick three folks out of those who submit and send them this ferocious boy:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

So you see, it is in your material interest to perform this fun task!

(Note that I'll be putting this poll up on the Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page, so those entrants will be among the folks who may receive free books.)

Morror Horror
Folks continue to cajole computers into outputting Bob-related imagery from their unknowable dream-spaces, and then send those chilling outputs to me for publication ON THIS VERY WEB SITE.

We have two sets this week, the first from Renni deGraaf:
Renni deGraff Main

and the appalling other from Terry Dooher: Terry Dooher Nightmare Bob

More outputs appear on the Bob the AIngry Flower page, and if you feel like giving it a whirl, go ahead and send 'em to me at!

Click Now!
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Deluxe Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Normal Everyday but Still Decidedly Deadly Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jan 26, 2024
Why so ebullient, impersonal voice of update title? Is there any reason in particular? Surely it can't be because the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has unanimously ruled that noted shitbag Donald Trump's arguments about having unlimited presidential immunity are bonkers and dismissed, because... uh... they haven't. Yet, one hopes, but I'll admit I'm getting darn impatient about it. Wouldn't it be nice if they do it right after I post this? I'd be happy to look the fool, more foolish than I do already by slipping from second-person addressing the update writer to first-person "I" statements without even noticing. Get it together, Me/Mysterious Unnamed Update Writer!

So if a generous helping of justice is not current cause for the "Hooray" update title, what could be? Perhaps we can instead attribute the "Hooray" to:
Winter Bevvies

After last week's dry spell I dug through the ol' Inbox and found a reAIder submission from before the New Year, one on which I had completely whiffed. Embarassing! Please enjoy this image, courtesy of reader Matthew Harris prompting Bing Image Creator to conjure the following:


More Matthew H/Bing collaborations appear on the Bob the AIngry Flower page, and if you feel like giving it a whirl, go ahead and send 'em to me at!

Things That Can Be Clicked
Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Version TWO:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Version 1:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jan 19, 2024
Dark Out!
Not that this is a surprise, and yet I am still surprised: it's still rather dark out this evening. We're past the winter solstice, and yet for some reason I'm acting like it should be twilight around 8pm as if it was SUMMER or soemthing. Grow up, Notley!

In an unrelated note, here's this week's strip:
Legal Brief

It seems the torrent of reader-submitted AI Bob the Angry Flower stuff has subsided, at least for now. If you're curious about it, check out the Bob the AIngry Flower page, and if you feel like taking a disturbing swing at same, go ahead and send 'em to me at!

Bob the Angry Flower Patreon page
Bob the Angry Flower at GoComics!

Different Different Dooms:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Jan 12, 2024
A New Cartooooooooon!
Hi, folks, here's a regular ol' Bob the Angry Flower cartoon entitled:

Phone No Work

This week (or was it last week?) contained news of a lengthy list of artists whose work had been used, without their consent, to train MidJourney. Thousands of artists were listed, including several arty friends such as Keith Knight, Phil Foglio and Shaenon K. Garrity. Y'know who WASN'T on this who's-who list of artists worth ripping off and feeding into a computer? THIS guy (pointing at self).

Since Bob doesn't rate high enough on the "does this exist?" scale to get scraped by bots with delusions of creativity, it's perhaps no surprise that the various image generators don't much seem to grab the essential... Bobness of Bob the Angry Flower when asked to conjure an image of him from a description. As exAImple, consider this image, courtesy of reader Gerben prompting Dall-E-3:


This and other AI monstrosities may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

If any of you readers out there have a mind to test the robors to do the same, make 'em and send 'em to me at! (Sorry if the HTML on that link is busted; not sure if it's me or the site on that).

Patreon & GoComics!

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Sat, Jan 6, 2024
Sorry, all you readers in your teeming dozens! In the waning days of my holiday trip back to Edmonton, the days kind of got away from me and I belatedly realize I forgot the Friday update. Scandalous! But fear not, friends, Bob still exists and to prove it, here's the new strip celebrating yet another spin 'round our glorious star:


This week's AI Bob excursion arrives courtesy of reader J Collins from Bing Image Maker:

JCollins AI Bob

This and other Ai monstrosities may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

If any of you readers out there have a mind to test the robors to do the same, make 'em and send 'em to me at! (Sorry if the HTML on that link is busted; not sure if it's me or the site on that).


Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Slightly less fancy:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Dec 29, 2023
So close to New Year's Eve
But not yet! Nope, we're still stuck in 2023 and will be for a couple more days. And, in the spirit of the season, here's a cartoon that's already kinda out of date but still conveys a deeply personal message:

Merry Christmas

Yet another AI-generated picture sent in by reader Eliezer Yudkowsky quizzing Bing Image Creator, this one a bit less horrific than last week's:


This and other Ai monstrosities may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

If any of you readers out there have a mind to test the robors to do the same, make 'em and send 'em to me at! (Sorry if the HTML on that link is busted; not sure if it's me or the site on that).

Is linked here:!

GoComics is here:!

New Book:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Dec 22, 2023
Overtaken by Time
... is how I'd describe this week's cartoon, nominally about congressional Republicans' impeachment "inquiry" on Joe Bidfen, now kicked to the historical curb by the Colorado Supreme Court's surprise ruling to dump Donald from the Colorado state ballot. But what can you do when draw a weekly strip? Sometimes stuff happens, and the strip itself isn't too bad, in my opinion. Here it is:

Billion-Dollar Bribes

AInother AI
Here's another horrifying image conjured from the subconscious of a machine after being prompted by a reader, this time Monika Banko quizzing Craiyon. Chilling!


This and other Ai monstrosities may be found at the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

If any of you readers out there have a mind to test the robors to do the same, make 'em and send 'em to me at! (Sorry if the HTML on that link is busted; not sure if it's me or the site on that).



New Book in two versions
Version 2:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Version 1:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Dec 15, 2023
No bots, but
... but what? Well, let's first squirt out a link to this week's Bob, titled like so:


Fun, no? Don't answer that.

Bob the AIngry Flower
So a reader by the handle of josh z decided to put some Bob-related words to the Bing Image Creator, and this was the, uh, er... result!


Terrifying, yes? Or glorious? Or some other adjective we'll need the unconscious mind of a large language model to conjure for us? If you're interested, there are some more of the same conjured and donated by my lovely Patrons on lovlier Patreon (see below) on the Bob the AIngry Flower page.

If any of you readers out there have a mind to test the robors and do the same, make 'em and send 'em to me at! (Sorry if the HTML on that link is busted; not sure if it's me or the site on that).



Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Dec 8, 2023
Botz botz botz
Pretty straightforward cartoon this week:

Robot Children

Candidly I'll admit I don't fully agree with Bob on all his points here. I'm on board with his general thesis but my conclusions aren't as sweeping as his, as I do think exceptions can be argued in certain cases. But don't tell Bob that!

Patronize Me



Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Dec 1, 2023
Godzilla Minus One
Saw it early this evening; pretty good. I think I still prefer Shin Godzilla out of the more recent run of Japanese Godzilla movies (which are much better than the 3 American-made Godzilla movies of the last decade), but this one definitely justifies its existence. I think it's fair to say that G-1 is the only Godzilla film where Godzilla firmly takes a back seat to the human story. That's not to say the Big G isn't present, or effective, or that no other Godzilla movie has any worthwhile human characters. But to me at least, this film is very much about one man's human journey while Godzilla --more than in any other G-flick-- serves as a plot element rather than as the main attraction and de facto star of the show. If you happen to like Godzilla at all, you probably don't need me to recommend Godzilla Minus One, but I will anyway: go see it!

All that said, here's a completely unrelated Bob cartoon! The End of Time

Patreon, bay-bee!


Check 'em out, why not?

Book & Book
Fancy Deluxe Version:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular version, still highly great:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Nov 24, 2023
Just Kidding It's a Great Show
AM I just kidding? IS it a great show? WHAT am I talking about? Why, the televisual subject of this week's Bob the Angry Flower cartoon, of course, known to fans and haters alike as


Patreon LIVES


Examine them!

Book 2 Book
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Nov 17, 2023
Hi, there! Is this your first time ever looking at I'm guessing for almost everyone who sees this the answer is "no," but this update title goes out to that random person or people, possibly non-existent, who are seeing this web site for the first time and would feel more comfortable and welcomed if directly addressed and greeted. Hello and welcome!

Now we have that crap out of the way, let's look at this week's strip:



Examine them!

Book 2 Book
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Nov 10, 2023
Darn it, I've been feeling some ouchies lately. My shoulder has been sore as hell for a couple of weeks and now for some damn reason my wrist is throbbing. What the hell, goddammit? I didn't set out to create circumstances related to this week's strip, entitled
Material Universe

There's a page, and it's this:!
Come to think of it, there's also a GoComics link at!

Why not check out one or both?

Speaking of things to check out...
New book deluxe:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Nov 3, 2023
After Hallowe'en!
And yet when I drew this cartoon and posted it on GoComics, it was not yet Hallowe'en. And so it is about Hallowe'en in a big way!

Scary Spooky


Two entire books
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Less Bigger:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Oct 27, 2023
Annnnd here's a cartoon that might just possibly be construed to relate to some events that are current. YOU decide!

Fair, Balanced

Patreon Exists!
And I have a page:!

Looks! BOOKS!
Version 1:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Version 0.5:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, Oct 20, 2023
Hoo boy, really? "Total Excitement"? Golly! I guess we all know to prepare ourselves when presented with an update headline of such bold directness. What subject matter could possibly justify such an arrogantly defiant update headline, especially in today's highly competitive media landscape? Whatever it is, it must be truly special!

All righty, that was a number of words to kick off the update, doo-de-doo, let's see which cartoon is actually on tap for presentation this week. Hmm-hummm-mmm... what was it again... ah yes. Of course. It is this!
Whew! Boy, am I glad I had a cartoon supreme enough to justify all that build-up!

Patronize Me!
Do it here:!

Books Can Be Purchased!!!
Nicer version:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Slightly not quite as nicer but still very nice version:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Both are constructed to

Fri, Oct 13, 2023
Not So News
Back last week when I drew the following cartoon, a particular situation was on my and many other folks's minds. Since then, events have transpired to draw everyone's attention to the other side of the planet, leaving this cartoon a bit contextless. But here it is anyway!

Do the 'Reon

2 New Books That Are Basically The Same Book In 2 Forms
DELUXE form:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular form:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Both are great and suitable in their own ways!

Fri, Oct 6, 2023
But also Angeles, which is where I am! And no, this is not an invitation to break into my currently empty apartment and steal stuff. Good grief! Honestly, you people, some times...

Anyway, here's this week's strip, and it's a corker, liked by over three dozens of people in various forms of social media. WOW! The Machines

I have a Patreon

New Book x 2
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

It would be... WISE... to puchase one. Or both!
Fri, September 29, 2023
Hi! Welcome to, a great place to find Bob the Angry Flower cartoons like this brand-new one:

Moral Position

There is one! It can be checked out by clicking this link:!

New Book in 2 flavors!
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, September 22, 2023
Birthday DOWN!
It's my birthday! Well, not as I write this, Thursday, September 21. But the date for this update is my birthdate, so I'm calling it! Wahoo!

I'm hanging out in Los Angeles to see if I want to move here, so it may be a bit of a low-key birthing-day, since most of the folks I know here are coincidentally out of town at the moment. That just gives me MORE opportunity to try out the bus and Metro system! Hooray!

All right, that's plenty for now. Here's this week's strip:
The Deadliest Arithmetic
Fancy DELUXE version:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Regular version:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms
Buy one or both; they make wonderful gifts!

Fri, September 15, 2023
And by "whoops" I mean sorry about the late update, and by "late" I mean I'm updating it Friday morning instead of Thursday night as is tradition here at I guess all the tomfooolery at last week's Small Press Expo has scrambled my sense of time!

Anyway, let's get on with this week's cartoon, a cheeky little number I've chosen to call
Fishy Loaves
Lest we forget, the fancy DELUXE version of Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms may be purchased via clicking this big fat image:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

And the regular version blah blah blah here's the link:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Thu, September 7, 2023
We're updating a day early, folks, as I'm off to sunny(?) Bethesda, Maryland for a weekend of hangin' out with various cartooning and other assorted buds at the legendary Small Press Expo. Should be a gasser!

So with further ado strongly suppressed, we proceed directly to

YouTube Sword Expert
Doomy Dooms!
The drill, you know it. Big fancy DELUXE version first:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Smaller, slightly less fancy non-deluxe version second:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Buy one! Heck, buy them BOTH and give the cheaper one to a friend or family member while keeping the nicer one for yourself... THAT'll show 'em!
Fri, September 1, 2023
Seems like fall, even though the equinox isn't upon us for another spare handful of days. But sunrise no longer blazes into my sleeping eyes at 6am, so I'm calling it! Fall it is!

And what's the best way to usher in a new Fall, or a new September, or a new Friday, or just a new anything at all? A new Bob the Angry Flower cartoon, of course! Here, world... enjoy!

The Yesander

Different Dooms, doubled!
Hey hey hey, why not purchase the newest Bob the Angry Flower book, Different Dooms? There are two ways. First, the regular version at an economical $20, linked thusly:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Or you could splash out an extra $5 for the fancier, nicer, slightly bigger and more expensive DELUXE version!
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

The choice is yours!
Fri, August 25, 2023
As promised last week, gentle readers, there now exists a DELUXE version of Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms!

But first real quick let's do this week's strip, like so:
Younger Readers

Yep, you can now buy Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE!

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

It's not enormously different from the regular Different Dooms. It varies from the regular version in 4 key respects:
- It's 7.5" x 9.25" instead of 7" x 8.5"
- It has nicer, whiter paper.
- It has deeper blacks and richer colors.
- It is slightly more expensive: $25 instead of $20. SO WORTH IT THOUGH.

Here are a couple of digital photographs to illustrate the differences:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Choose wisely!
Fri, August 18, 2023
More Book!
Why, whatever could I mean by "More Book!"? Be assured, gentle reader, that I shall tell you. But first, let's have a brief but powerful look at this week's strip:

Crisis @ Hubris Station

Particularly shrewd, sharp-eyed or long-memoried Bob fans may find the Commander and Hubris Station faintly familiar. And 'tis true, we've visted them before, decades ago, in the last few pages of Dog Killer. Listen! Perhaps you'll hear

Hubris Station Calling

So what's this "more book" business?
Simple, friends. Cast your eyes at this image below:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

Yes, in many ways it resembles the front cover images of Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms that I've been posting here on for months. But if you look more closely, you'll see the word "DELUXE" is on it inscribed. WHAT COULD BE MEANT BY THIS???

Simple. One of the annoyances of publishing through Amazon's KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is that, in order for books to be made available for distribution to bookstores, they must be in one of a set of standard trim sizes. The Bob books aren't, so I've not been able to have them appear in bookstores (such as still exist).

Simultaneously as this had been annoying me, I'd already been musing over maybe doing a Deluxe version of Different Dooms that was basically the same book except printed at KDP's fancier printing option (nicer paper, better inks & colors).

It suddenly struck me: why not do both? The Bob book size is probably only half an inch or so off of one of the standard trim sizes anyway, so why not just re-generate the cover and interior slightly bigger?

And as it happens, the trim dimensions of a regular portrait-style Bob book are

7" x 8.5"

whereas one of KDP's standard sizes is

7.5" x 9.25"


Well, golly... that's a doddle! I bet I could reconfigure the files in 2 or 3 days! And as it turned out, it didn't even take that long: the files are re-jiggered and uploaded to KDP.

In other words, Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE will be available soon!

So, if you've been thinking of dropping $20 on this:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

... wishing you could instead spend $25 on a slightly but visibly better version that looks like this:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms DELUXE

...well, now you can! Or you could, if it was ready, which it isn't, and won't be for about a week. But after that... ZOW!

Neato Patreon Jams
I've been doing some more animations and putting them up on my frankly unbeatable Bob the Angry Flower Patreon Page! Go there, if you have courage!

Fri, August 11, 2023
Quick Lil' Update
Okay, folks, nothing too crazy this week, so let's set up and then knock down this update in a swift and orderly fashion. Agreed? Lovely. Let's proceed!

First, a cartoon:
Freadom 2 Speek

Then, the new book (BUY NOW!):
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

And finally, a Patreon Link!

And that's it for this week. Have a good weekend, y'all!
Fri, August 4, 2023
The Sites, They Are Updatin'
Greetings, readers. Please find below an update to the world-famous (in selected circles) site. This update includes the following:

A new Bob the Angry Flower cartoon...
These title .gifs are links, by the way. Click them!

...a reminder about the new book...
There is a new book. It is called "Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms." It is awesome. Behold, a large image of its cover, also clickable.

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

...and a Patreon tease!
Yes, I have a Patreon. This entire sentence is a link to it!

What kind of neato stuff is on it? Well, over the last couple of days I've been horsing around with Flipaclip for iPad. I've created some silly animations, one frame of which I present here:

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

If you are curious about the exciting REST of the story, head on over to Honest Bob's Patreon Page Full of Forbidden Delights Nonetheless Available for a Modest Fee.

There, for a paltry $3 a month minimum, you can gain access to priceless ramdom ephermera such as these goofy animations! WHAT HAVE YOU TO LOSE BESIDES THREE DOLLARS A MONTH, I ASK YOU???

Tues, July 25, 2023
Back from the Con!
First of all, let's make it clear that you can buy DIFFERENT DOOMS!

Here's a link!

And another!

This whole picture is a clickable link!
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms
Plus there's a clicky link image of Different Dooms on the left-hand column! LOOK AT IT!

And The Con...?
Yeah. Real fun. As I've posted on the social medias, I was a Special Guest. I had a Spotlight panel as we see below:
Spotlight on Bob the Angry Flower

Not only was it, as the kids say, a "gasser," but before it began, I was awarded an Inkpot Award!

And then Keith and I presented some Eisners. Folks seemed to enjoy.

PLUS, I sold out of all the books by Saturday afternoon. Great stuff!

Lest we forget...
Bob the Angry Flower has a Patreon page! There's stuff on it!

And finally...
Might as well post some Bob the Angry Flower cartoons, right? Since last week's is late, and this week's is early, let's do the long-prophesied twofer by posting them BOTH.
First we have the timely

And then let's steam ahead to
Effing @*#& Printers!

Fri, July 14, 2023
San Diego Comic-Con is NIGH
Yeah baby yeah, every year we get a San Diego Comic-Con (promise not valid in case of global pandemic), but this one in particular is special to me.

One might even say it's "Special" to me, since this year, for the very first time (but perhaps not the last and only time?), I've been invited as a Special Guest!!!

I'm even on a couple of panels this year. First there's this one, a fancy "Spotlight On":
Spotlight on Bob the Angry Flower
Thurs, July 20, 4:30 pm, Room 4

And then this (honestly not sure how I ended up on it):
Comic Strips and Collections
Fri, July 21, 12pm, Room 29AB

And continuing the "what the hell is going on?" theme, it seems I'll also be
presenting an Eisner Award!

And of course, as I've been broadly hinting for several months now, I'll be at my usual spot,
Small Press K16 Aisle 1400,
selling this delicious monstrosity for the very first time:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

No update next week, but keep an eye out for the following week's update (Fri, Jul 28) where at long last this intimidating image will also be a live link for INSTANT BOOK PURCHASE by YOU, the discriminating reader! OH BOY!!!

Bob Cartoon!
There is one! Observe:
Birthwrong: More

Fri, July 7, 2023
Yep, that's right, I finally got my pants together sufficiently to create a Patreon page.
It is here.
Its Patreon address is:

Here is a banner; if you click it, it will take you to my Patreon page!

Here is a picture of my sister's dog; if you click it, it will take you to my Patreon page!
Johnny Cash

Here is another link. If you click it, it will take you to my Patreon page.

Visit my Patreon page, is what I'm strongly suggesting!

Enough Patreon. Is there a cartoon this week?
But of course! It is this!

I like it, though at least one reader on was unimpressed. I may do a follow-up mocking this reader.

Countdown to DOOM(s)
Coming at San Diego Comic-Con 2023
July 19 Preview Night

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, June 30, 2023
Fair Country North
As promised we're back from North Country Fair, which was fair indeed, thanks for asking, quite contrarily to my expectation. And as further promised, we have two (2) count 'em TWO tasty and delicious Bob the Angry Flower cartoons for your amusement and pleasure!

The first is this little darling, a brutal attack on an honest laborer entitled

Immediately followed up by the bewildering shock of the impossible and uncredible
Outxe Phone Lanyard

Countdown to DOOM(s)
Premiering at San Diego Comic-Con 2023
July 19 Preview Night

Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, June 16, 2023
Not North Country Fair
No, North Country Fair is next week. And this week is, last time I checked, not next one. So I think I'm pretty safe in saying that this week isn't North Country Fair. But why mention it at all? Only because it's my intention to attend North Country Fair next week, and I'm heading back to Edmonton today for it, so I may not have another update for you until June 30. Egad! No fear, though. The cartoons are already drawn and in the bag, as some say.

In regards to cartoons, here's this week's strip, a wee bit timely, but also timeless in its way...

What About Dracula?

Ever Closer
Premiering at San Diego Comic-Con 2023, July 19 Preview Night
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, June 9, 2023
Indictment 2: Obstruction Boogalo
Well, well, well. As I compose this update Thursday evening, it appears news has broken that former reality show host Donald Trump has been indicted for a second time. FUN! We're only at 2 so far, but I would not be surprised to be in a situation before the year is out where we're genuinely confused trying to keep all the various Trump indictments straight in our heads, on account of there being so many going on at the same time.

Of course this is just the barest information at this point, merely that it's happened. We'll have to wait until, reportedly, next Tuesday, June 13, for more details on the counts, the evidence, the pleas, and all the other assorted jazz that we get then before settling in for another year-long wait for the actual trial to commence.

Speaking of reality TV shows, hey... do any of you folks watch television? Have you a

Favored TV Show

Oh hey what's this
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, June 2, 2023
Election Lose
Well, it's no longer news that the Alberta NDP failed to win the Monday election and thereby become government. Rather a bummer, especially as I'd been given to believe that it would be closer than it turned out to be, but that's Alberta for you. Beautiful yet endlessly disappointing.

Moving on, here's a completely unrelated Bob the Angry Flower cartoon:

Starfleet Operations Manual

Upcoming book yes yes yes
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, May 26, 2023
Laptop Terror
Ah, gotta love these peppy HP laptops that just kinda sit there for long long minutes after you've hit the power button, silent, giving no sign or indication that they're working or will ever work again. I dunno if it's the laptop or the endlessly crappy Win11 operation system I was compelled to accept running it, but... yeah. Frustrating and terrifying when your computer gives all the signs of death, especially after you've brought it to Edmonton in hopes of doing some site-updating in the dying days before the 2023 Alberta election wraps up and possibly results in your sister becoming Premier again. FUN!

Anyway, let's think of pleasanter things such as this wonderful Bob the Angry Flower cartoon:


We Love Dooms!
Just not my laptop, please:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, May 19, 2023
Alberta Election Comin' Right Up!
Monday, May 29, 2023 is the date of the upcoming provincial election in Alberta, an election I have some interest in since my awsesome sister Rachel is running to maybe become Premier again. I sure hope she wins! I just watched the leader's debate, and while I don't think there were any knock-out punches (are there ever? when does a debate actually come along that might actually change somebody's mind?), I think Rachel did pretty well. Certainly it must have been uncomfortable for current Premier Danielee Smith to be rquired to debate the very day a report comes out saying she Breached Conflicts of Interest Act, according to Alberta ethics commissioner Marguerite Trussler.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with this week's Bob strip, entitled


Premiering at San Diego Comic-Con 2023
Soon available in realities everywhere:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Fri, May 12, 2023
First Toon of Whatever the Next Book Is Called
Well, not necessarily the first cartoon that will appear in that yet-to-be-named future book ("book14" as it's currently identified on my computer).

But of all those cartoons yet to come in that book, it's the first to be created and posted right here on! Hooray! Here it is:


Remember, it's pronounced "plah-SEE-bix," not "PLACE-bix"! C'mon, folks! Pronounce things properly!

Debuting at San Diego Comic-Con 2023
Attend and be the first to own:
Bob the Angry Flower: Different Dooms

Earlier Updates
Interested in earlier updates? Here they are!

May 5, 2023 - Up to Different Dooms cutoff
May 21, 2021 - Up to An Excellent Use of One's Time cutoff
June 7, 2019 - Up to exciting space adventure cutoff
Nov 25, 2016 - Stuff and stuff and stuff!
April 22, 2011 - The Gunt Chronicles!
Oct 10 , 2010 - The Crackening, plus Rothgar for sale!
Nov 6, 2009 - Rothgar!
Jun 19, 2009
Oct 3, 2008
May 1, 2008
Aug 3, 2007
Dec 1, 2006 - Bookworm Adventures!
June 23, 2006
September 30, 2005 -- Moving to America! PopCap! Stuff!
April 15, 2005 -- Last posts from Canada!
December 31, 2004 -- 2004: A Year to Review
November 26, 2004 -- election madnesses
October 25, 2004
September 7, 2004
August 13, 2004 -- ComiCon report
July 20, 2004 -- just before leaving for ComiCon
June 10, 2004
May 5, 2004
April 9, 2004
January 30, 2004, featuring the NMD and Bush on Mars rants
November 28, 2003

October 8, 2003
September 4, 2003
July 25, 2003
June 18, 2003
April 11, 2003
Feb 21, 2003
December 27, 2002
October 24, 2002
September 27, 2002
July 30, 2002
May 29, 2002
April 12, 2002
December 28, 2001
November 9, 2001
September 7, 2001

Go nuts! It's content!

And a big mess o' cartoons...

Bob the Angry Flower runs weekly in VUE Weekly and Terminal City and some other papers I'm too lazy right now to detail, though the Buffalo Beast is one.

This Web page is created and maintained by Stephen Notley - To complain, simply e-mail

© Stephen Notley 2008